The Diploma Course lasts for two years and allows a deeper study of the faith. Core elements of the course include the Holy Scripture, the Fathers and later theologians, Church history, canon law, worship, and Church organisation and structure. Additional topics include pastoral theology, liturgical practice, spirituality, apologetics, church music and art. As a requirement for admission, students must speak and write English adequately, have completed education to GCSE standard, and preferably A level, and have completed the Certificate Course. Assessment is by two 2500 word essays, several short multimedia presentations with (500 word maximum) seminar papers, and student contributions to the discussion in the sessions.
THIS IS A ROLLING PROGRAMME: This means Year I & Year II share the same syllabus.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? 2nd.SATURDAY of Each Month: 9.30-7.15: 2024-5
OCTOBER 12th, 2024. All Students attend in Person. Liturgical Terminology; Fasting & Ascetic Discipline; Theology in the Fathers; Byzantine Rite I – Before Iconoclasm
NOVEMBER 9th, 2024. Early Liturgy; The Old Testament in the New I; Byzantine Rite I – After Iconoclasm; Old Testament in the New II; The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts and Typica.
DECEMBER 14th, 2024. The Holy Trinity & Creation; Old Testament Worship – the Temple & the Synagogue (Student Seminar 1); Background to Nicea; Ignatius of Antioch & Clement of Rome; Historical issues & Spiritual Dimensions of the Canons
JANUARY 11th, 2025. Irenaus & St. Justin Martyr; Development of Monasticism; Gospel of John I; Events Surrounding Nicea; God of Our Fathers.
FEBRUARY 8th, 2025. Man & the Fall; Hesychasm & the Jesus Prayer; Canons of the Quinisext Council (Student Seminar 2); Apollinariansim & Athanasius; Canons of the Fathers.
MARCH 8th, 2025. Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven & Earth (Student Seminar 3); Theology of the Incarnation – Nestorianism; Baptism, Chrismation & Confession; Gospel of John II; Clement of Alexandria & Origen.
APRIL 12th, 2025. The Holy Trinity – Chalcedon; John Chrysostom; Holy Trinity – Constantinople II & III; Anointing Service; St. Basil.
MAY 10th, 2025. Theology of the Icon – Nicea II; Out of Egypt I called My Son; The Church; Ordination; Messianic Prophecies (Student Seminar 4).
JUNE 14th, 2025. Gregory the Theologian; The Last Things; Gregory of Nyssa; The Dead Sea Scrolls; The Theotokos in Liturgical Worship.
JULY 12th, 2025. All Students Attend in Person. Palestinian Theologians; Efchologion; The Apocalypse of St. John the Divine; Monastic Life; End of Year Review.